See Katherine’s vibrant renderings from It Is Well With My Soul by Zondervan. Read about her coloring decisions and experience.
Katherine’s Coloring Stats
Source: It Is Well With My Soul
Materials: Papermate Profile colored pens; BIC pens, Aero 1.0MM green pen, Staedtler ergosoft colored pencils
Time: Multiple sessions
About Katherine’s Coloring Sessions
What effect did your coloring sessions have on you?
It had a really nice calming effect. I loved seeing how vibrant the colored pens were.
What Came to mind as you colored these pages?
Not really, besides the beauty of the pictures themselves as I saw them come to life.
Any rhyme or reason behind your color choices?
Generally I like to start from a realistic color scheme and build from there. With elements like flowers and feathers however, there is more room to elaborate on and embellish them in ways that really only exist on paper. I added some colored pencil to fill in some of the white spaces because some spots just seemed too empty without it. I’m pretty happy with how these turned out.
Thanks for sharing Katherine!
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