Monique Shares Her Cozy Christmas Coloring Creation
Monique shares her coloring creation from the free pages of Because of Bethlehem. Monique talks about putting aside the hectic schedule of Christmas, finding a cozy spot, and allowing coloring to bring her closer to God.
Monique’s Coloring Stats
Source: Because of Bethlehem
Location: Lake Arrowhead, CA
Materials: Sharpie Ultra Fine Point markers
How did you start coloring and how long did it take you?
I started coloring after reading the blog about color palettes for the holidays (10 Free Christmas Palettes That Will Boost Your Coloring). Things have been crazy with shopping, holiday parties, and traveling all month. The palettes caught my attention and my need for some down time during this hectic month! I decided to create a cozy space for coloring like y’all suggested in a previous blog (Best Places for a Creative Mind & Better Coloring). I put the tree lights on, made a cup of tea, turned on some holiday music, and grabbed a cozy blanket – it was perfect! I did this page in one sitting because it was just too comfortable to move 🙂
What was your mood while coloring?
At first, my mind kept racing about everything I needed to do, all the presents that still need to be wrapped, etc. It was hard to slow down and focus. Soon though, my brain began to zone out, focus on coloring, and relax. It took me a 2-3 hours to color, and I couldn’t get enough. By the end of my cozy coloring session, I felt relaxed and even tired by all the previous chaos. Coloring helped me see my need for rest, and I got to go to bed early and get over 9 hours of sleep! I felt even more rested the next day, which is why I thought I’d share!
What was your experience while you were coloring?
This experience allowed me to acknowledge how worn out I felt by Christmas, and how this shouldn’t be the case. The holidays should be about spending stress-free time with loved ones, doing things out of the abundance of my heart, and taking time to pause and reflect on Christ and the year of walking with Him. Sitting in my chair with a blanket and listening to music was a sweet moment to come back to the important parts of this season. It was nice to enjoy the tree, music, and even the snoring dog in my lap.
How did coloring affect you spiritually?
I enjoyed the “Because of Bethlehem” coloring page because I subconsciously reflected on the words, “What does Jesus’ birth have to do with you? God knows what it’s like to be human.” I appreciated the downtime to reflect on the implications of God becoming human and knowing what it’s like to be human. There’s so much to that one truth, yet how often do we contemplate its implications?
The holidays should be about spending stress-free time with loved ones, doing things out of the abundance of my heart, and taking time to pause and reflect on Christ and the year of walking with Him.
What inspired your color choices?
I used one of the color palettes posted, “Tree of Lights“. This was a palette combo I tend to avoid – it had more variety and bright colors than I’d naturally choose. It was a good one to stretch my creativity- I may even color a new page with a new palette to keep stretching my color schemes. And of course, I had to add a little red because it’s Christmas!
Thanks Monique!
Download your own free coloring page, then share your experience with us!