Katherine spent some time coloring from Amazing Grace. Read on to see her work, and hear about her experience!

Katherine's finished coloring page from Amazing Grace by Zondervan.

Katherine’s Coloring Stats

Source: Free downloadable sheet from Amazing Grace

Materials: Staedler ergosoft colored pencils, Crayola colored pencils

No. of Sessions: Multiple

Katherine’s Experience With Adult Coloring

How long did it take you to color this page?

I spaced it out over several days. I would color here and there when I needed a break from what I was doing. Sometimes I only spent a few minutes on it; other times I could color for a half hour or more.

What effect did your coloring session(s) have on you?

It gave me a nice mental break from whatever I was working on at the moment. It helped relax me and it made me feel more calm and focused when I had to get back to work.

What came to mind as you colored this page?

I did contemplate what the possible symbolism was in the picture and how it related to the words of the song Amazing Grace, and it was interesting to think about. However, I also enjoyed just doing something “mindless” to relax.

Katherine colors her free downloadable coloring sheet from Amazing Grace by Zondervan.

Any rhyme or reason behind your color choices?

My color choices are a mix between naturalism and whimsical. I chose to color the tree brown and the leaves green, but the picture also included hearts and medallions, and various flowers, so I decided to have some fun with those. I tried to maintain some level of consistency for a coherent, symmetrical look. For instance, I colored certain flowers blue throughout the picture, but I also didn’t constrain myself to a specific standard.

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